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It's On Us campaign put into action across Pac-12

Nov 19, 2014

The schools of the Pac-12 Conference are stepping forward in a strong way to support the It's On Us campaign, and both coaches and student-athletes on campuses throughout the league are taking a stand against sexual assault and violence.

Launched this past September, the It's On Us campaign has raised awareness about important issues facing college students across the nations when it comes to sexual assault. Students, staff and members of the community have all been invited to take a pledge to not only help keep men and women safe from sexual assault, but to also recognize situations where it may occur and to intervene when necessary.

From across the Pac-12, our schools have been at the forefront of delivering this message in a strong way.

In Tucson, the University of Arizona is encouraging their students to take the pledge, while several student-athletes spoke in a PSA.

Arizona State University's football team posted photos to Twitter about their support, while women's basketball coach Charli Turner-Thorne chaged her profile photo to the It's On Us logo and tweeted to her thousands of followers to take the pledge. 

The University of Colorado produced a PSA including prominent coaches and athletes, while up in Corvallis, Oregon State University has enacted educational programs for students and staff, including Title IX sexual assault training.

Keeping with the theme of producing powerful video messages, Stanford, UCLA and the University of Oregon each had student-athletes speak out against sexual violence as well.

Across town at USC, the Trojans have organized a week of activities during the National Week of Action. The school is also developing a comprehensive four-year plan to address sexual assault on campus. 

You can learn much more about the effort and take the pledge yourself at